Upgrade Your Home, Upgrade Your Future: Smart Reno Strategies
Thinking about renovating? A few strategic upgrades can make your home more comfortable, stylish, and, most importantly, valuable. Whether you’re looking to sell or simply improve your lifestyle, these key areas could give you the best return on investment in 2024.
Your Homeownership Adventure Begins Here
Becoming a homeowner is a significant milestone in many people's lives, often representing a dream realised after years of hard work and financial planning. However, the path to homeownership can seem daunting, especially for first-time buyers. To guide you along your homeownership journey, we will help to demystify some common misconceptions about the real estate market and building a deposit, explore the key factors banks consider when granting a mortgage, and provide valuable tips to keep at the front of your mind as you save.
Rising interest rates and falling house prices: Navigating the current home loan market from first home buyers to seasoned investors.
It seems that everywhere you look at the moment, there’s even more news about the current state of the New Zealand housing market. Whether it be interest rates rising through the roof, falling house prices throughout the country, or a downturn in buyer activity, the looming threat of inflation makes it feel as though no one is safe.
I want to break free (and refix my rate)
Wow, A lot can happen in a year! Cast your mind back to mid-late 2020, when New Zealand had just come off a period of lockdown. We couldn’t go out and spend money and subsequently, there was a pent-up demand to do so when we emerged from lockdown.
What You Need To Know About Mortgage 'Holidays'
There is no doubt that the outbreak of COVID-19 was something that nobody planned for, and the subsequent actions of the Government and health authorities to keep New Zealand safe will impact in different ways for many people.
Interest rate drops: What this means for homeowners and aspiring home owners
As a home owner myself, the interest rates changes offered by the banks will often grab my attention. In my role here at Lifetime as a Home Loan Adviser, I work with people from all walks of life who are trying to buy their first home. Most people have to overcome the obstacle of saving a decent deposit and KiwiSaver comes to the rescue for a number of people.
Is paying off your mortgage early the best financial decision?
Paying your mortgage before you reach retirement age is the ultimate milestone for many Kiwis. But could your net worth be higher and your home loan repaid sooner, if you re-invest the equity in your home elsewhere instead? Home loan adviser Christine Hazeldine considers the options.
A Beginners Guide To KiwiSaver
KiwiSaver is a long-term investment scheme that the government has put in place to help Kiwis save for retirement. Joining KiwiSaver is voluntary and currently, more than 2.7 million Kiwis belong to the scheme.
How millennials can overcome barriers to getting into their first home
Buying your first home is undoubtedly one of the biggest financial steps you can take, but not completely out of reach for the millennial generation, writes Josh Martin.
A millennial’s guide to financial freedom
OPINION: As millennials, there’s often a gap between what we think will make us financially free versus what actually does. My story is testament to that.
By 23, I was working full-time running a business, studying full-time at university, and proudly took out a loan for my first home in a bid to grow my wealth and ultimately gain financial freedom.
Is it the right time to re-mortgage your home?
OPINION: A mortgage tends to be the single biggest expense most home owners face, and what most of us don’t realise is that it can often provide the biggest opportunity for cost saving.
The dos and don'ts of raising finance for an investment property
OPINION: Whether it’s a bach at the beach, house in the suburbs or small apartment in the city, the prospect of owning an investment property has long been part of the Kiwi dream.
According to Statistics New Zealand, residential property now accounts for 32 per cent of all Kiwis’ investments (as at March 2017) – making it the highest share of investment New Zealand has seen in 45 years. This comes despite concerns about primary residential home ownership levels.
Lifetime Group gears up for mortgages - Good Returns
It has formed a strategic partnership with the Rothbury Group which see it take over Rothbury’s life insurance and mortgage businesses.