
  • Navigating Australian Superannuation consolidation and transfers.
  • Financial and Retirement Planning to achieve personal goals and long-term financial certainty.
  • Making sure your investments and KiwiSaver work for you.
  • Protecting the things that matter: you and your family.

Click here to book a call with me.

About Claudia

Early on in my life I knew two things – I wanted to help people, and I didn’t want to worry about money. Pursuing a career in Social Work early on meant that I was truly in the thick of it – the experience gave me learnings I will keep with me for life. 

My expertise as a Financial Adviser lies in crafting tailored financial plans, providing Personal Insurance advice, and Investment advice which includes my extensive knowledge of KiwiSaver.

My approach is grounded in 'real talk'—honest, straightforward conversations that empower my clients to make informed decisions and truly enjoy the fruits of their hard work. It's not just about planning for the future; it's about enjoying the journey there.

My Three Golden Rules

  1. There’s no substitute for hard work.
  2. Progress, not perfection. 
  3. It’s not about how much money you make, but how you manage that money.

Neither Lifetime nor I have been subject to a reliability event. A reliability event is something that might influence you in deciding whether to seek advice from either myself or Lifetime. As an example, this would be a serious event such as legal proceedings against me, or bankruptcy in the last four years.

Get In Touch

Contact Claudia on 027 232 7444  |  claudia.twine@lifetime.co.nz or alternatively send us an online enquiry below.
preview image - The KiwiSaver Gender Divide – Why are women saving less and what can be done to combat this?

The KiwiSaver Gender Divide – Why are women saving less and what can be done to combat this?

Recent data shows that, on average, women have 20% less in their KiwiSavers than men. The gap being at its largest between men and women in their 40s and 50s. There are a few factors that come into play causing this divide and although it will take years to achieve equality, there are ways in which we can be proactive to help close the gap. As of August 2021, the gender pay gap is at 9.1% in New Zealand, a decrease of about 0.4% from 2020’s stats.

3 May 2022 by Claudia Twine