Wrap Portfolios allow for simplicity in your investing. It is an administrative platform that will combine all of your various investments into one simple report. We want to make your investing simple. Managing your funds can easily take over your life and dealing with the numerous statements and tax concerns that comes with a large portfolio can be difficult. A Wrap Portfolio looks to circumnavigate these burdens by merging your investments and report on their overall gains.
Beyond simplicity, Wrap Portfolios have a number of other benefits. This system is designed to regularly rebalance the funds, ensuring that any gains are reported monthly and reallocated appropriately in order to fully maximise your returns. It can also automatically claim tax rebates so you don’t have to worry.
Wrap portfolios are similar to managed funds in that they allow you to diversify your investments. Their benefit is that they can combine a number of managed funds into one report, further simplifying your investments.
At Lifetime, we understand how to maximise the benefits of a Wrap Portfolio for you. By capitalising on these benefits we can design a solid investment plan for you that will work for you now and in the future. Our main concern are your long-term financial goals and we will help you create an investment plan that suits your individual needs.
A complete investment portfolio can be difficult to manage. A Wrap Portfolio takes the hard work out of investing and lets you get on with enjoying your life.