Generally, insurance premiums are worked out based on your age. In your youth, your premiums are inexpensive and easy to manage. As you grow older your risks become greater so your premiums will increase and become steadily more expensive.
There is a solution. You can choose to place your cover onto our Level Premiums which do not increase with age. They function as a kind of ‘smooth pay’ over your lifetime, so you are not hit hard by sudden increases later in life. Costing more initially, they do not increase annually and you will make significant savings over the years.
Level premiums are the ideal option if you intend to keep your cover over a long period of time. Talk to your adviser about what you wish to achieve with your personal protection cover and they will be able to inform you if this is the right choice for your situation.
Example shown for illustration purposes only, actual values dependent on level of cover, provider and conditions.