Peter K Hand

Financial Adviser

Mgt Dip.

M: 021 372 555 |
Areas of Advice
Personal Insurance >


  • Providing cash to protect future wealth for families and business
  • Providing keyperson protection for companies
  • Over 35 years experience in providing protection for Kiwis
  • Share purchase protection for shareholders/directors agreements
  • Extensive experience working with small businesses
  • Cost effective mortgage protection specialist

About Peter

Born in the lovely city of Christchurch, I spent my younger years in the Otago area where I started working for my dad in the grocery trade. From here I moved into retail management for a while before finally joining the insurance industry in 1976. Later on I set up my own insurance broker practice, until selling it to Lifetime in 2008.

I have a Dip. in Management, and I enjoyed positions in Life Education, Round Table, and Rotary as president one year.
Enjoy that wonderful game of rugby, play golf [ok], and spent many years in enhancing property investments.

I am a people person and have enjoyed working in one of the most rewarding industries one would imagine. The greatest satisfaction that I have experienced is helping my clients to achieve their personal goals and providing solutions for their personal and business lifestyles.

Assurance can be complicated for most people but I use the "KISS" principle '"Keep It Simple, Stupid."

It's all about making sure that if something goes wrong then one needs to have a protection plan in right place, at the right time.

In saying this, meeting so many wonderful and different people is the best education/university one can experience ever!

My Three Golden Rules

  1. Be trusting to my clients.
  2. Present myself in a professional manner at all times.
  3. Honesty & integrity; show a genuine interest and place my clients first at all times.

Neither Lifetime nor I have been subject to a reliability event. A reliability event is something that might influence you in deciding whether to seek advice from either myself or Lifetime. As an example, this would be a serious event such as legal proceedings against me, or bankruptcy in the last four years.

Get In Touch

Contact Peter K on 021 372 555  | or alternatively send us an online enquiry below.