Michelle Blacktop

Group & Employee Benefits Specialist

M: 027 289 5440 |
Areas of Advice
Employee Benefits >

About Michelle

I have worked in the group market for the financial services industry for over 10 years, joining Lifetime in 2018.

I am now the Group and Employee Benefits Specialist for the Wellington region, working in the team of the group insurance market of Lifetime, helping our clients get the best benefits for their employees and set up employee benefit programmes.

I live in the beautiful Wairarapa. I love spending time with family and friends, and acknowledge how lucky we are enjoying the rivers, outdoors, gorgeous vineyards and cafes that surround us.


Neither Lifetime nor I have been subject to a reliability event. A reliability event is something that might influence you in deciding whether to seek advice from either myself or Lifetime. As an example, this would be a serious event such as legal proceedings against me, or bankruptcy in the last four years.

Get In Touch

Contact Michelle on 027 289 5440  |  michelle.blacktop@lifetime.co.nz or alternatively send us an online enquiry below.